If you spend more on coffee than on IT security, you will be hacked.

The demise of critical business data can be caused by simple hardware failure or Swiss-cheese security. We are experts in security and can help keep you safe from viruses, Trojans, malware, and the like. But there is really only one defense against hardware failure: a backup plan.

If you aren’t doing regular backups, you are courting disaster. More than one-third of all personal computers are mobile, and mobile workers now represent the majority of the workforce in North America. As a result, online backups have become a necessity. Unfortunately, not everyone has gotten the word.

Some shocking statistics

  • Forty percent of small and medium sized businesses do not back up their data at all!

  • Sixty percent of all business data resides only on PCs — desktops and laptops.

  • Forty to fifty percent of all backups are not fully recoverable.

  • Recreating data from scratch costs between $2,000 and $8,000 per megabyte.

  • Sixty percent of companies that suffer major data loss will close within six months.

How JUSTEK can help

It takes a well-designed plan to make servers, switches, routers, remote storage devices, battery backups, servers and software come together into a functional and secure system. JUSTEK’s experts build that plan and implement it for you.

To keep a costly hard drive failure from ruining your day (or your business), JUSTEK will install an automated backup system that encrypts and transmits your company’s critical files to a secure data center. Contact us today to learn more about our network services and your backup options.

Networking and Security Services

  • Perform a comprehensive network security audit and recommend changes.

  • Install an automated backup system that encrypts critical files & transmits to a secure data center

  • Install RAID drives on servers for real-time redundancy.


IT Consulting


Microsoft 365 and Cloud Solutions